Food is Medicine South Carolina
About Us
Food is Medicine South Carolina (FiMSC) aims to develop a coordinated approach for integrating healthy food access policy, system, and environmental strategies in the health care system throughout South Carolina. FiMSC was established in 2021 and currently consists of four workgroups - three subcommittees and one community of practice.
2023 Accomplishments
Continued to bring together partners and grow.
Convened 110 participants for our first in-person annual meeting on December 1, 2023. Thank you to LiveWell Greenville for hosting us!
Conducted 1) a landscape assessment by engaging healthcare, food-based, and state-level organizations to understand where food is medicine interventions are taking place and what is needed to both scale and sustain FiM interventions state-wide; and 2) a statewide evaluation of produce prescription programs. This was made possible from funding from the BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation to support the goals of Diabetes Free SC.
Developed a flyer promoting 2 CME opportunities and emailed it to more than 21 health care organizations with an estimated reach of more than 5000 people.
Secured SNAP-Ed funding to cover the initial costs of the mapping project through Furman and Openfields. Additionally, Openfields secured funding through a John Hopkins grant to fund an insight tracker.
Worked with the South Carolina Food Policy Council’s Committee to Strengthen Nutrition Assistance Programs and general members to submit preliminary policy recommendations to the new state Food Security Council.
Members made presentations at the local, state, and national level as well as participated in learning opportunities through conferences and/or associations.
Our Goals for 2024
Continue to convene and bring together new members who will enhance food is medicine efforts in the state.
Disseminate findings from Landscape Assessment and Shared Produce Prescription Evaluation.
Pursue opportunities to apply findings from the Landscape Assessment and create opportunities for training and technical assistance to scale and sustain food is medicine work statewide.
Explore ways to align with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services new guidance on coverage pathways for services and supports to address health-related social needs HRSN services.
Complete the initial Food is Medicine South Carolina mapping project.
Continue to gather and share continuing education as well as scientific papers supporting food as medicine with a desire to develop a web-based tool to easily access food and nutrition educational resources.
Develop and post a one-page resource guide on the website and promote through professional organizations.
Attend statewide health care conferences to disseminate FiMSC educational materials.
Develop a food is medicine continuing education presentation that is specific to the food practices and culture of South Carolina.
Deliver food is medicine evidence-based presentations for continuing education credits to at least two professional associations and health care networks across South Carolina.
Continue to convene the Produce Prescription Collaborative, recruit new members, and help scale and evaluate produce prescription programs across the state.
Who We Are
Food is Medicine South Carolina committee members represent different sectors including government, nonprofit organizations, health care systems, public health, education, food banks, agriculture, and more. To connect with a member, visit our committee leadership page.